Celebrate Women’s History Month at These Events In and Around NJ

Bring your daughters to these inspiring events


Who runs the world? Girls! Celebrate the impact of women throughout history at these Women’s History Month events in and around NJ.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, February 27 to April 4

Women in Jazz Concert Series
Tavern on George, New Brunswick
The New Brunswick Jazz Project will present 10 performances throughout the month by female jazz musicians.

Throughout March

Women’s History Month
Delmonico’s, New York City
Delmonico’s was the first restaurant in the country to allow women to dine without being accompanied by men: on April 20, 1868, Delmonico’s made international news by hosting the inaugural Ladies’ Luncheon. The luncheon was organized by The Sorosis Club’s founding members journalist Jane Cunningham Croly along with Josephine Pollard and Fanny Fern Parton. Max Tucci, Delmonico’s third-generation partner and global brand officer, “welcomes all to the table,” as his family did for nearly a century.

March 9

Women’s History Month Brunch
Chevys Fresh Mex, Clifton and Linden
Women-owned craft-infused tequila company 21 Seeds will be part of this brunch event that includes special cocktails, brunch entrees, a pop-up bar, a floral wall, and hat and bag decorating. Brunch entrees range from a breakfast burrito to a chorizo skillet to churro pancakes and more. The Linden location will donate to the Puerto Rican Alliance of Elizabeth Dancers. The Clifton location will fundraise for Oasis: A Haven for Women & Children.

Community Day: Ladies First
Newark Museum of Art, Newark
Celebrate the contributions of women to Newark’s jazz history through vocals from The Antoinette Montague Experience, a taste of Brazilian pop-jazz by Zabelê, the singing of Janetza Miranda, and more who develop the city’s cultural identity.

March 14

History at Home: An Early 20th-Century Women-Owned Floral Business
Virtual presentation
The florist shop and greenhouse was a woman-owned business run by Alice G. Rose. Her business ownership resisted the domestic roles women were expected to follow during this time. Learn about the archaeological dig conducted on the Montclair History Center grounds in July 2022, and the subject of gender and equality for women in the early decades of the 20th century.

GSBA’s Women’s History Celebration 2024
Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
The Garden State Bar Association’s fourth annual luncheon profiles women in leadership who show courage and resilience.

Listening to Women Patients: Author Talk and Signing with April Patrick
The Book House, Millburn
April Patrick will talk about her new book, “Women’s Health in Britain and America,” including an overview of women’s medical experiences through history, background about several texts that were previously unpublished, and insights from the historical narratives as they relate to current issues. Dr. Patrick is an associate professor of literature at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

March 23

Women’s History Month Program
Anthony Amalfe Community Center, Roselle
The theme of this year’s women’s event is “Choose To Live!” This event is designed to inspire women in the community to choose to live, despite experiences of loss, hurt, disappointment, failure, trauma and more. A special part of the celebration is the fact that the Roselle Borough Council is made up of women.

March 24

A Celebration of Women’s History
Historic New Bridge Landing, River Edge
Historical balladeer Linda Russell will sing music based on the history of American women. She will also share stories of Deborah Samson, who fought as a soldier in Washington’s army, and New Jersey women such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone and Alice Paul, all of whom led the fight for Women’s Suffrage. On display in the Steuben House will be new exhibits and Revolutionary War artifacts. All three 18th-century Jersey Dutch sandstone houses are open for tours throughout the day.

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Read More:
New Mural in Newark Highlights the Women of Brick City


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