This Beach Has Been Named NJ’s Favorite for the 10th Year

Three other Jersey Shore spots were voted onto New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium's poll / Ocean City, NJ

Voters have named Ocean City “New Jersey’s Favorite Beach” – and 2023 is the tenth year in a row that the city has received the honor.

The winning beach was selected through an online poll held by the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium. One town in each of the Garden State’s four coastal counties – Monmouth, Ocean, Atlantic and Cape May – was chosen as a winner. Other Jersey Shore spots like Asbury Park in Monmouth, Point Pleasant Beach in Ocean and Margate in Cape May earned the top prize in their respective counties.

NJSGC’s annual Favorite Beaches Contest Ceremony celebrating the winner was held over July 4 weekend in Ocean City. The consortium’s contest, which began in 2008, is in line with their mission “to promote the wise use of New Jersey’s marine and coastal resources through research, education and outreach.” Besides providing a fun way for beachgoers to root for their favorite sandy spot, the consortium does great work to help support the Jersey Shore.

Ocean City is certainly no stranger to awards. In June, Ocean City was named the Best Beach in the Northeast in USA Today’s 10 Best Readers’ Choice Awards. Ocean City was No. 1, beating out East Coast destinations Bethany Beach, Delaware and Jones Beach State Park in New York. Other NJ favorites Cape May and Belmar Beach also made the list.

To anyone who loves Ocean City, it’s no surprise that its beach is a favorite. Ocean City has a lot to offer in addition to great sand and sea. There’s a boardwalk, tons of shopping and a wide array of restaurants. Iconic, can’t-miss spots include Kohr Brothers for frozen custard and Shriver’s Taffy. From arcade games and mini golf to sightseeing and visiting the Ocean City Historical Museum, the city has something for everyone!

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