Have you ever explored the online options for free printables? You’ll find everything from coloring pages to handwriting practice guides, classroom activities to birthday party invitations, and just about everything in between!
Best Free Printables
Here are some of the best free printables, many sourced from our Facebook fans:
A to Z Teacher Tools has lots of fun and educational printables, including word search worksheets and books for early readers.
Beginning Reading has fantastic worksheets related to their phonics-based beginning reading program. There are alphabet practice sheets, alphabet flash cards, and much more.
15 Worksheets.com was created by a group of retired teachers who want to make printable worksheets available for fellow teachers, homeschoolers and tutors, custom designed per topic.
Handwriting Without Tears offers curriculum overviews and teacher guidelines as well as printable handwriting letter formation charts for capital and lowercase letters, cursive and print, and numbers.
Homeschool Creations is full of educational printables and resources for homeschoolers, including sign language cards and country flag cards.
NASA has a Kid’s Club with plenty of coloring sheet options, and most include space facts.
National Geographic offers a lot of fun options for kids, including animal coloring books with enough detail to appeal to older kids as well.
School Spark specializes in educational worksheets for young children, and covers a variety of areas including reading skills and math/number awareness. They also include lots of tips for parents about how to use the printables to help your child to learn.
Twisty Noodle has thousands of coloring pages and worksheets, many with holiday themes. You can also change the font and the captions on many of them.
And here are few more fun and educational kids printables we just had to pass along:
- A B C Flash Cards (sample shown in photo)
- A to Z Handwriting Worksheets
- Cursive Writing
- Dora “It’s Spring” Coloring Pack
- Dora’s Spanish Greetings Flashcards
- Dr. Seuss Printables
- Multiplication Worksheets
- Sight Words Illustrated by Jan Brett
- Yo Gabba Gabba! Play It Safe Coloring Book
Are you now hooked on printables? If so, you’re in luck! We’ve got even more on our Printables Pinterest Board (and if you need a Pinterest invite so you can also get hooked on pinning, just let us know).
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