Party Time!

What is more exciting than getting inspired by a theme and making it come to life?

Under the Sea Birthday PartyI know it might sound contrary to human nature but I. LOVE. going to kids’ birthday parties. Three-plus hours with a bunch of four-year-olds? Sign me up! (Really. Where’s my invitation?)

I love talking about kids’ parties. I love looking at pictures of them on Pinterest. I love ‘borrowing’ ideas from Pinterest to plan my own. And, from your responses to my recent inquiry about summer party themes on Facebook, you ladies are pretty jazzed up about kids’ parties, too. Maybe it’s part of our Mommy nature. Ignore the haters, I say.

For me, there’s nothing more exciting than getting inspired by a theme and making it come to life. From designing invitations to planning a menu (that appeals to both kiddies and adults) to locating that perfect plastic tablecloth, I find joy in the research, the shopping, and the setting up. (And then documenting said setups in way too many photos.) It’s not about competing with other parents in proffering THE FAVOR to end all favors. It’s about the personal satisfaction that comes with locating the shade of crepe paper that will coordinate impeccably with my banner. What can I say? I’m a planner. And a crafter. And now that I have several years of kids’ parties before me, I feel I’ve finally found an outlet for my obsessive compulsions. (Let’s hope.)

It’s no wonder I had a difficult time selecting four (only four!) summertime themes to feature in this issue. From my own (or Pinterest’s, rather) “Under the Sea” celebration thrown in honor of my son Nate to a “Carnival Carousal,” we outline ideas to inspire your own sublime soirees, from decorations to menus to favors. And we’re gonna keep it coming in print and online. Seasonal party themes and inspiration? Check!

And, just so you know, my first child was born on Halloween, so you can imagine the preparations surrounding that holiday in my house. I try to maintain that delicate balance between the expected and the unique without going overboard.

I’ll get back to you on how that goes in the fall…

Judy Grover Signature




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