While the pandemic has forced a lot of young students onto remote learning and additional screen time, Juicy Juice is here to help them get the creative juices flowing. The Happy Artist Contest will give your kids the opportunity to see their own (or a friend’s) artwork on Juicy Juice packaging in stores all over the country, and if they are lucky enough to be chosen, they will receive $500 for more art supplies. That could go a long way, especially for kids who don’t have access to the materials they’d normally have during an in-person art class.
During a time when there can be no shortage of activities at home, this contest will have kids everywhere creating something that they feel good about, and it will help boost creativity. Whether or not their art ends up on packaging, participants can take pride in their beautiful creations that came from their own blooming imagination, and really isn’t that a prize of its own?
The artwork isn’t limited to juice or fruit, but whatever inspires “happiness” for your young artist and can be done with crayons, paint, markers or their chosen two-dimensional medium. Four grand prize winners will see their design featured on Juicy Juice packs and receive $500 for art supplies. Ten additional first prize winners will receive a $200 gift card to upgrade their at-home art materials.
Through February 28th, the contest design template can be printed and downloaded from JuicyJuice.com/HappyArtist. When their masterpiece is finished, it can be submitted by uploading an image to the contest website. The works will be judged based on design, originality and adherence to the theme of “happiness”, and winners will be announced on March 15.