Halloween is NOT Canceled in NJ 

Governor Murphy and the Department of Health released guidelines today for trick-or-treating, costumes and more. 

Halloween is something we all want to look forward to and while the kids can still get dressed up in costumes, we’re all thinking about safe ways to trick-or-treat.  During his press conference today, Governor Murphy announced there will be some new rules and guidelines. 

 ©istockphoto.com / RichLegg  

If you plan to go trick or treating or to a party, the Department of Health is encouraging people to wear a mask that covers the mouth and nose–the same kind of protective mask required when in school or a store. “A costume mask does not count as it does not provide the necessary level of protection,” said Murphy.

He also advised anyone who is handing out candy to skip using a communal bowl to avoid multiple hands in the bowl and come up with a non-contact way to hand out candy. Murphy also said that when possible, Halloween activities should be held outside and reminded everyone that there is a 500 person gathering limit for outdoor activities. If you’re having a party, make sure everyone’s wearing a mask and that the limit is 25 percent of a room’s capacity, which is generally 25 people. 

“We want to ensure that everyone has the chance to enjoy Halloween, but we want to ensure that everyone does that safely and responsibly,” he added. “You may wish to dress as a knucklehead this Halloween, but we don’t want anyone to act like one.” 

As of today, New Jersey has had a total of 208,713 cases of COVID, with 522 new cases coming in over the weekend. The daily positivity is 2.62 percent and the rate of transmission is 1.27 (higher than the goal of 1). To date, 14,351 New Jerseyans have died due to COVID-19. 

Read More:
10 Ways to Safely Celebrate Halloween in 2020
Halloween Trains: Book Your Ride
A New Drive-Thru Jack-o-Lantern Experience Is Coming to NJ


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