Doctors Fail Allergy Tests

Is your pediatrician up to date on allergy treatments?

Your pediatrician may not be as up to date on allergy treatments as you would hope. According to a recent study presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, at least half of all pediatricians flunked a test on allergy treatments. Only half knew epinephrine was the best treatment for a patient who develops hives and vomits in reaction to a food allergy, and nearly 75 percent of those queried couldn’t name the two most common food allergens in children under 4 (milk and eggs). If your child is part of the nearly 8 percent of New Jerseyans with food allergies, you may want to read up yourself and get a second opinion!

Allergy-Free Season
Could Your Child Have Food Allergies? 
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