printables sudoku word search jumbleThere are so many great printables to help kids get into the back-to-school mood. Kids can use these perfect printables to get excited for the new school year ahead:

  1. Color Jan Brett's fun Welcome Back to School illustration.

  2. Connect the dots on this back-to-school apple.

  3. Look for all the school words in the Things Found in the Classroom – Word Jumble.

  4.  Find hidden words! There's a beginner Back-to-School Word Search, as well as a more difficult intermediate-level Back-to-School Word Search.

  5. Make a Time for School! mini book.

  6. Solve a School Days Sudoku.

For more back-to-school printables, check out A Lilily Blog, which has 101 free back-to-school printables.

And for more printables to enjoy all year round, check out the great ideas on our Printables Pinterest Board.

Know of any other great online printables for kids? Share with other crafty parents below.