New Jersey will open up COVID vaccinations to people ages 16 and older starting April 19, Gov. Phil Murphy announced during his press conference Monday. The news was posted on the governor’s social media including Facebook.
The news comes as state officials have said all adults will be eligible for the shot by May 1.
While most people rejoiced at the news that our older teens will be able to protect themselves and their families against COVID, others questioned the move since many older people have had trouble securing a vaccination appointment.
“So I’m 61 and just became eligible today and you don’t have enough vaccines for us, we can’t get appointments and now you’re opening up further?” wrote one person on Facebook.
Others had a more positive outlook.
“WOW! GREAT!!” posted another commenter. “This is amazing news! Never expected it to be opened to the general populations this soon. That is a great testament to how well the vaccination process is going and has sped up and increased capacity. All good news.”
Some even offered to help those who could not find appointments on their own.
“Those stating they cannot get one for their elderlies or that they are elder and cannot receive one—please message me,” wrote one Facebook poster. “I’d be happy to help with some tips and pointers to get you an appointment!”
The news of the vaccine expansion comes on the heels of another announcement last week stating that those who are fully vaccinated can travel in the US without testing or quarantine.
Gov. Murphy also said today that 98.7 percent of New Jersey residents live within 5 miles of where they can get vaccinated.
“Not only are we getting more shots in arms on a daily basis, but we’ve made the vaccines more accessible,” read an announcement on his Facebook page.
“Between our many points of vaccine distribution, 98.7 percent of all New Jersey residents live within five miles of where they can get vaccinated.”
Murphy said NJ will continue to work toward the goal of ensuring even greater access to vaccinations in urban areas and having vaccination centers within a 15-minute walk of all residents.