NJ Residents are the Happiest in US, Study Says

The study looked at the cost of living, divorce rate and more to come up with its rankings.


A new study revealed the best states for your family’s mental health, and New Jersey came out on top. When it comes to happiness, there are so many reasons the Garden State is a great place to live and raise kids. Therapist marketplace Zencare, which conducted the study, looked at eight environmental factors that influence mental health, from the cost of living to divorce rate, to see which state ranked the highest. (The lower the score, the better the rank!)


New Jersey came in first as the best state to live in for your family’s mental health in 2022. Data has shown that symptoms of mental illness among adults in New Jersey are lower than the national average in the US. New Jersey’s location gives its residents great access to mental health care.  With a low divorce rate, high hospital availability and diverse population, New Jersey also provides a unique opportunity for families to live close to parks, which we know can increase mental wellness.


Psychiatrist Dana Siperstein, MD gave Zencare some insight as to why where you live can impact your family’s mental health. “It is crucial to understand who someone is in the context of where they come from,” she says. “It is impossible to understand someone’s symptoms or how best to help them without acknowledging the environmental factors that play a role in their lives. Do they have family who are supportive and understand the role of treatment? Do they have access to transportation to get to the pharmacy to pick up the medication I prescribed? Do they have access to a safe and comfortable space where virtual work can adequately be conducted?”

It’s nice to know that we’ve chosen a great place to live where access to mental health services is readily available.

Want more? Check out an age-by-age guide to kids’ mental health.

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