couponsEverybody’s trying to save money these days. From extreme couponing to “staycations,” families are adjusting priorities and tightening budgets. We asked our Facebook community to share tips for trimming expenses. When clipping the occasional coupon isn’t enough, this real-world advice from New Jersey moms will help you pinch some serious pennies.

"To save money on ink, when printing I print in black and white instead of color in a saver mode. Also, if one coupon prints at the top of the page, I will use the other end of the same page to save on paper. Makes it last longer and is a great way to help your carbon footprint!"
—Kristine T.


"Besides clipping coupons and printing coupons, I have a swap group I meet up with as well. On top of having a nice night out, I always get some great coupons and tips on sales I may not have known about. And I love living rich with coupons. There are several coupon sites, but that one is my fave."
—Laurie W.


"They have seasonal Mother’s Market sales in my area. I recently found a lot of clothes, brand new with tags, for $1 a piece. I have also bought Halloween costumes, toys, and bikes there."
—Sharon M.


"Check out Living Rich with Coupons. She’s from NJ and posts match-ups for a lot of stores. She knows her stuff!"
—Laura G.


"I always look for opportunities to stock up on things like toothpaste that are both on sale and I have a coupon for."
—Christine S.


"I shop year-round for my sons’ birthday and Christmas presents. I purchase items when they’re on sale or when I have coupons. This also cuts down on financial splurges come holiday time. I store them in my closet and keep track of what I’ve purchased on my phone. For clothing and shoe purchases, I shop during sale seasons for the following year. In the beginning to mid-summer, I purchase swimming trunks, tanks, sandals, etc. and store them for the next summer. I do the same for school and winter attire. I save a bundle purchasing in advance."
—Letty M.


"Trade babysitting services once a month with a friend or neighbor so “date night” with your husband is considerably less expensive."
—Bonnie Vohden, co-publisher at New Jersey Family


"We grow tons of herbs outside in the summertime and inside in the winter so we never have to spend money on fresh herbs."
—Cathy Ashby, editor at New Jersey Family


Check out our extensive list of coupon sites—>


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A lot of moms save a lot of money with coupons. It’s not as difficult—or as “weird”—as you may think. But it does take time, organization, and research. These online resources will get you started.  

Printable Coupons

Read on for a list of coupon blogs and helpful websites—>


Coupon Blogs and Helpful Websites 

Know of any other good sites for money-saving tips, tricks, or coupons? Please add to our list in our Comment section below.