Mom to Mom: Pros of Probiotics

The pros of probiotics and other health and beauty info for busy women.

A Guilty Pleasure

Motherland, by Amy Sohn, is a fast-paced and delightfully snarky sneak peek into the imperfect lives—and marriages—of hipster families in NYC. Sex, celebrity sightings, and a thief who steals only baby strollers add to the wicked fun. ($25, Simon & Schuster)

Fitting In While Getting Fit

Fitness facilities are like shoes: No matter how great they look, if you’re not comfortable in them, you’ll avoid them. When selecting a work-out venue, factor in price, location, cleanliness, amenities, and class offerings, and also whether you feel like you belong. Prioritize personal comfort and staff friendliness. 

Spring Showers

Get ready for flower season in a pair of bright and comfy BOGS Rose Garden slip-on clogs. Perfect for weeding sessions in the backyard and Monday mornings in the carpool lane. ($75,

Digit Defense

Protect yourself from germy mani-pedis with these basic safety tips:

  • Make sure the salon has a license.
  • If you can’t bring your own tools, make sure the salon disinfects theirs with an autoclave. Soaking in a liquid disinfectant isn’t enough.
  • Resist the urge to shave before your pedicure. Even tiny nicks risk infection.
  • For the same reason, don’t let the technician cut your cuticles or use a razor.
  • Don’t spend too much time under the UV light “drying” your newly-polished nails. The rays can increase your risk of skin cancers.
  • Blue is this year’s “it” color; try OPI’s Eurso Euro polish.


“As a busy mom, keeping your digestive system on track may be one of the last things on your mind,” says Keri Glassman, registered dietician and founder/president of Nutritious Life. Probiotics, live microorganisms that support those that already thrive in your body, are available in a variety of forms—capsules, drinks, yogurts—and are believed to treat and/or prevent: diarrhea, constipation, yeast and urinary tract infections, and irritable bowel syndrome. Talk with your doctor about whether they’re right for you.


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