Seventy percent of parents of teens who use cell phones review their text messages, according to the Family Online Safety Institute. Now an app can help you do that.

MMGuardian lets you locate your child’s phone and track it at will; lock it any time, anywhere; set time restrictions; prevent your child from texting and driving (while preserving the battery); monitor alarming text messages without your child’s knowledge; control and restrict your child’s app use; and stay in constant touch with your child during emergencies. The only catch: Your child has to use an Android phone (though you can use any type of phone or tablet).

MMGuardian is offering a special promotion to Raising Teens readers. For MMGuardian Tablet Security, enter code MMGTAB into the coupon entry box on the “purchase” page for a price of $4.99 (half off the regular price). For the MMGuardian Smartphone app, enter MMGAPP on the coupon entry page for half off after the free trial.


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