The Details
Who: Matthew Coppolecchia, 39, Attorney, Hartlaub, Dotten & Mezzacca, P.C. & Andrea Coppolecchia, 36 Manager, Clinical Research; Stryker Spine.
Home cost: $389K (purchased in 2005)
Children: Vincent, 3; Anna, 7
NJF: How long have you lived in Wayne?
AC: Ten years. We were looking for a home in Packanack Lake for a long time and the day we found the house we had just run around the lake. We randomly turned up the street when we saw a “For Sale By Owner” sign.
You guys are big athletes and compete in the Ironman Triathlon. Do the kids get involved?
AC: We are committed to an active lifestyle as a family. Our kids are fully involved, and they know about our training schedules and races. We work out relay-style—one of us goes out for a run and bike ride, and then the other goes when the first one finishes. Someone asked Vincent recently, “Is your daddy an Ironman?” He said, “Yes and my mommy is an Ironman, too.” I felt proud that he thought of us that way.
Why do you love raising your kids here?
AC: We are Packanack-spoiled because the lake offers so much—a Halloween parade, an Easter egg hunt; Santa even flies down in a helicopter and hangs out for photos. There’s a park and pizza place right on the water, and we’ve got fishing, swimming and boating. Both kids have learned how to ice skate and have been skating on the lake since they were two. We often head there on summer afternoons when we need a beach fix. We are a beach family and will take sand any way we can get it.
What is your childcare situation?
MC: A full day at Goddard is $1,280 a month—counting the days until that is done! Anna attends aftercare —she is not a fan because she wants to be picked up right after school, but unfortunately between our job locations and commuting, we can’t get there. Matt’s parents are an incredible help. They pick up and drop off the kids often. It’s great for Anna and Vincent, too. They are growing up with their grandparents fully involved in their daily lives. Andrea’s dad and stepmom live close and help us out as well. We are lucky to have a great support system.
Are the kids in camp this summer?
MC: Vincent goes to his daycare’s summer camp and Anna goes to a gymnastics camp. We also joined the town pool this summer and expect to use it frequently. The goal is to get the kids to swim confidently!
What’s your favorite local date night spot?
MC: We go to Lee’s Sushi (1475 Route 23) or Taphouse Grille (344 French Hill Road).
—As told to Christine Coppa
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