On Thursday, November 28, a very special holiday will be celebrated in some homes—Thanksgivukkah! That's right, this year Thanksgiving and the first day of Hanukkah fall on the same date, making it a chance to celebrate a fusion of two holidays that very rarely meet.
In fact, due to a growing disparity between the Gregorian and Hebrew calendars, the two holidays won't fall on the same day again for thousands of years.
So how to celebrate this truly once-in-a-lifetime holiday? Here are a few ideas:
- Light a Menurkey, a unique turkey menorah.
- Make a Turkorah, another take on the turkey menorah, available as a DIY kit on Etsy.
- Use harvest-colored candles in the menorah.
- Give kids these fun Thanksgivukkah coloring pages.
- Wear matching Thanksgivukkah tee shirts.
- Send Happy Thanksgivukkah! greeting cards.
- Create a hand turkey menorah.
- Decorate your table with Thanksgivukkah place cards.
- Cook a special meal incorporating both traditional Hanukkah and Thanksgiving dishes, like pumpkin challah, sweet potato latkes with cranberry applesauce and pecan pie rugelach.
And of course, every baby needs a onesie with "My first (and only!) Thanksgivukkah!"