How to Get Them Back into A School Sleep Routine

If they've been staying up late all summer, start getting them back in the bedtime habit now. // peopleimages

AFTER A SUMMER FILLED WITH LATE NIGHTS and lazy mornings, getting the kids to bed without a fight seems like a long shot. Since it’s next to impossible to win the bedtime battle overnight, start making changes to their routine at least a couple of weeks before school starts. Follow these tips from the National Sleep Foundation to help them return to their school year shut-eye routine:

• About two weeks before the first day, put the kids to bed and wake them a bit earlier each morning.

• Try to stick with the schedule (we know it’s hard!), even on weekends.

• Relax with a bath or shower and story or reading time before bed. Turn off the TV, iPad and video games at least a half-hour before they go to sleep.

• Keep her room dark and make sure the temperature’s not too hot or cold.

• Avoid heavy meals right before bed.

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