Full STEM Ahead! The Best February Events for Your Budding Builders

Looking for things to do with your science-loving smarties? We’ve rounded up some of the best STEM events in the NJ area.

credit: ©istockphoto.com / Steve Debenport


STEM Base Program

Join the Building Bridges program on Feb. 6 for an introduction to STEM in Neptune (ages 10-15, 16-20). Each participant will complete her own STEM project and compete against other students. All materials and supplies are included.

Cosmic Computer Women

Are you a fan of Hidden Figures? Join the Staten Island Children’s Museum in NY on Feb. 10 for math games, and learn about pioneer NASA mathematicians Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson and Katherine Johnson. Event is free with museum admission.

Turtle Back Explorers

On Feb. 11-12, venture to the Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange with your 4-5 year olds. There’ll be interactive, science-based lessons about the world of animals, plus stories, games and crafts. $25/kid.

EMS STEAM Team Maker Day

On Feb. 15, head to the Brownstone Pancake Factory in Edgewater and participate in STEAM activities designed for kids up to age 10. There’ll also be free pancakes, so don’t forget to RSVP to the event host, The Elisabeth Morrow School.

Science Seeds

Lil’ engineers can create their own catapult at Science Seeds in Princeton on Feb. 16. Once built, kids can test them out at target practice and compete in the “Storm the Castle Challenge.” $95/kid, ages 6 and up. 

Teen Marine Science Institute

Adventure Aquarium in Camden is offering teens the opportunity to gain practical experience in Marine Science. On the third Saturday of the month (Feb. 17), your high-schoolers can gain hands-on experience in advance marine science content and discover opportunities in biology related careers. $100/person.

Con Edison STEM Family Day: Wearable Electronics

Make the trip to Staten Island’s MakerSpace on Feb. 18 where kids and families are encouraged to learn together—for free! Use conductive thread and washable fabrics to make a tote bag that can light up. The kids will also learn some hand sewing techniques and simple stitches.

Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum 2018 Kids Week

Venture to NYC for the Intrepid’s Kids Week, Feb. 18-24, where visitors can participate in hands-on workshops and activities, see live performances and watch interactive demonstrations. Showcases include the science of sports and games, art and music, the natural world and more. Expect visits from zoologists, a NASA spacewalk flight controller, an astronomer and more. Activities are free with museum admission.

Presidents’ Day STEM Camp        

Kids have off from school for President’s Day? On Feb. 19, the grade K-4 crowd can spend the day at L3 Academy’s STEM camp in Montclair. They’ll battle with robotic legos, practice their coding skills and play Minecraft. $85/full day, half day prices vary.

An Engineering Day Just for Girls

Mark your calendars! On Feb. 22, the New York Institute of Technology’s School of Engineering and Computing Sciences will celebrate National Engineering Week by hosting hands-on activities for girls ages 12-18. The goal is to increase awareness about engineering and spark interest in STEM fields. Activities include video game artificial intelligence and graphic design, robotics, 3D printing, a coding station and more. You can also visit Roebling Museum's celebration for ages 3 and up.


Explore the world of science with a fun activity for kiddos grades 1 and up. The Morris County Library in Whippany is hosting on Feb. 24—best part? The event’s free!

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