If you’re like most, the COVID-19 vaccine updates are front and center in your mind right now. As we begin to see pictures shared on social media of healthcare professionals and our kids’ teachers getting vaccinated, there’s a new sense of hope in the air. Yet, there are still many questions including who is eligible, where the shots are being administered and what types of side effects (if any) we should expect.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, at least 432,220 people across New Jersey have received one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as of Jan. 21, and at least 49,420 people have received both doses.
As of Thursday, 898,550 doses of vaccine have been distributed to New Jersey. The vaccine is currently not available for children.
Currently, the vaccine is being offered to people in high-risk categories such as health care workers and first responders, long-term care facility residents, all people over 65 and people of all ages with certain high-risk medical conditions (which includes smokers).
New Jersey’s COVID-19 goal is to vaccinate 70 percent of the adult population within six months.
At least 134 locations across New Jersey are administering vaccines, and you can click here for a full list of designated vaccine sites.
The New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub has the latest information so be sure to check the site often. This is where you can pre-register for the vaccine and see the vaccination timeline.
You can also learn how the COVID-19 vaccine works, read about any risks or possible side effects and find out the cost to you for getting vaccinated (good news: it’s free, even if you don’t have health insurance!).
On his first day in office, President Biden took measures to ensure the distribution of the vaccine and is asking people to mask up for 100 days.
In NJ, one grocery chain is giving its employees a $200 incentive to get the vaccine.
Have you been vaccinated or registered to get the vaccine? Tell us in the comments below.