THINK FAST is a virtual short-play competition, held from February 28 to March 1 online.
They will see seven plays running no longer than 15 minutes. After each of the three performances, audience members will vote for their favorite play.
The play with the most votes receives the Audience Favorite award in a virtual ceremony following the final performance, when a panel of judges will also present the winners in four categories: Judges’ Favorite ($500 prize), Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Director.
The following plays are the 2025 THINK FAST finalists:
* The List by Ellen Evans-Wickberg
* The Unfortunate Conclusion of Mission Take and Bake by Kim Ferse
* TomToms by Leonard Goodisman
* Third-Party, Blameless by Andrew Riddles
* Far from Nirvana by Jack Rushton
* Given: Away by Michael Towers
* Over the Hills and Far Away by Christopher Zaczek
The pre-recorded plays will be streamed at 7:30 pm on Friday, February 28, and Saturday, March 1; and at 2 pm on Sunday, March 2.
Tickets will cost $15. Buyers also will receive a link to a live post-broadcast meet-and-greet session, during which they may chat with the playwrights, actors, directors, and event organizers.
For ages 16 and up.