For the first time in American Girl’s 31-year history, the famous dollmaker has introduced a boy doll. His name? Logan Everett.
The 18-inch doll is another step in Mattel’s effort to create diverse dolls and stories that kids of different backgrounds and genders can relate to.
"“A boy character has been a top request from our fans for decades. We do an enormous amount of research with girls and their parents, and the one thing we’ve heard loud and clear is a desire for more—specifically more characters and stories from today—with more experiences, more diversity, and more interests," says Julie Parks a spokesperson for American Girl.
So what’s Logan’s story? According to American Girl, has perfectly coiffed brown hair, sports a casual T-shirt and plays the drums in his pal Tenney Grant’s band (a new doll with some serious Nashville influence that’s also being released February 16). The dolls will sell for $118. You can add a few accessories and an outfit for $140.
American Girl’s not the only company looking to be more inclusive. PlayMonster recently announced the launch of Wonder Crew dolls, a group of Hispanic, African-American, Asian and Caucasian male dolls.