Folk Art Bowl
Turn a plain bowl into a work of art with this craft. Get a few Sharpies and look up some folk art designs, use the design above or create one of your own. Once you have drawn your design, place it on a cookie sheet and bake it in the oven for 30 minutes. If you don’t have a bowl, plates or mugs will work too!
Creative idea from:
Don't want to get a store-bought piñata? Make your own! It gets a little messy, but the results are well worth it. Your kids will not only have fun making this craft, but they’ll enjoy breaking it and getting the candy or toys that are inside.
Awesome idea from: Refinery29
Do you have any leftover plastic Easter eggs you don’t know what to do with (or that you can only find half of)? Use them to make some colorful maracas! Fill the eggs with popcorn kernels (or rice) and use masking tape to tie the spoons together. Your kids can decorate the white tape with markers, making some awesome designs! Or they could use some pre-designed duct tape to make a bunch.
Great idea from: DanaMadeIt
Piñata Suncatcher
This suncatcher is simple to make and your kids will love putting it together. Cut out the donkey by using a template on construction paper and put a sheet of contact paper behind it. Have your kids decorate it with colorful bits of tissue paper and then place another sheet of contact paper over the front. It’s that simple!
Cute idea from: InnerChildFun
Ball in the Cup
We love that classic game where you have to catch a ball in a small cup, and this involves reusing all those K-cups, so we love it even more. Grab a pencil, some ribbons, the k-cup and a string and the kids will be playing within minutes.
Creative idea from: EveofReduction
Cinco De Mayo Rice Flag
Looking to really celebrate the Mexican independence? Make a Mexican flag. Dye the white rice red and green (remember to save some for the white in the middle). Then, have your kids glue down the rice to the paper, making this awesome flag.
Great idea from: Kiboomukidssongs
Paper Plate Sombreros
Use leftover cups and plates from a birthday party to make these festive sombreros. They'll make cute party decorations, or you could tie some string to them and let the kids wear them.
Cute idea from:
The kids can wear these or use them to decorate the walls. Follow the tutorial or make a design all your own. Make sure to use bright colors so that it's eye-catching.
Awesome idea from: Jumpstart
Cuff Bracelet
This idea is based on the Mexican Tooling art technique. You can follow the design above or make your own. Even though your girls will love this idea more, your boys are welcome to join in on the fun by creating their own “super-powered” cuff. They're made out of those foil pans you can grab at the dollar store.
Great idea from: SpanglishBaby
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