Ah, the stories we make up when the kids catch us in the act. In honor of Valentine’s Day, and of parents all over NJ just trying to bring sexy back, we bring you seven real life sexcuses from parents who’ve been, um, ‘interrupted’.
"I remember my 8-year-old stepdaughter knocking on our door saying she couldn't sleep because of 'all that banging.' I told her it was the heat coming up and to go back to sleep."—Maribeth
"My oldest came in once when he was about 3. He just asked us, 'Are you guys having a naked party?' And we said, 'Yes. Yes we are.'"—Deb
"My 10-year-old daughter knocked on the door and asked what we were doing. I told her we were 'bouncing on the bed.' Of course that bit me in the ass a week later when she jumped on the bed, and I had to tell her to stop as it could break the box spring!"—Jeanne
"When my daughter was about 7, she commented that we gave 'really loud backrubs.' Now she's wise to us and shames us more directly. I tell her teenagers are supposed to listen to loud, angry music to drown that noise out.'"—Sara
"One of the blinds on the window connecting our room to the porch was apparently broken. At one point we looked over and saw our daughter's huge eyes staring through the hole. I was too mortified to do anything but hide under the sheets so my husband went and talked to her about how mommy and daddy were 'exercising.'"—Liz
"We've been lucky and never really caught in the act, but when our son was little he did catch us pre and post, and we brushed it off by saying we were 'making the bed.'"—Chris
"When my son was about 5, he walked in on us and asked, 'What are you doing?' We said we were reading comic books to each other. My son had left a comic on the bedside table, so my husband very smoothly picked it up and began to read out loud animatedly."—Kirsten
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