FrigitsWhether you're just hoping for a few minutes of peace on Christmas morning or you're looking for toys and activities that will keep your kids busy during winter break and beyond, here five toys that I think your kids will enjoy. However, I can't guarantee siblings won't fight over whose turn is next!

1. Frigits ($24.50) (shown on right)

Frigits is a fun marble run that is attached to magnets and goes on the fridge. Great for kids ages 3+, and a perfect fit if you don't want to add to your toy sprawl.

2. Tangrams Plus ($14.99)

Lauri Toys make a fun—and educational—tangrams kit which features puzzles with three levels of successive difficulty, all kept nicely in it's own carrying case. Ages 4 to 8.

3. Tegu ($32 for the travel pouch kit)

Tegu are a beautiful and clever toy—magnetic wooden blocks. My kids can build and create with them endlessly, and they're easy on the eyes if the kids (gasp!) don't clean up when they're done. Ages 3+.

4. Perplexus ($21-$24)

This challenging maze in a ball has kids flipping, twisting, and spinning as they attempt to roll the ball along the numbered path towards the finish. There are three versions: Perplexus Rookie for ages 4+, Perplexus Original for ages 6+, and Perplexus Epic for ages 8+. Please note: this is a one-kid-at-a-time toy that has been known to cause some sibling squabbles at our house.

Little Helper's Grocery Cart


5. Little Helper's Grocery Cart ($37.99) (shown on left)

Step2 makes a toddler grocery cart that is easy to push and easy to fill, and I was amazed that my son (age 2) spent the better part of a morning just putting things in, and then taking them back out. There's also room in front for a doll or stuffed animal to sit, which added to his amusement. Ages 2+.

Looking for more toy inspiration? Here are toys for under $20 and the Toys that Top Kids' Wish Lists this holiday season.

And, tell us which toys hold your children's interest for longer than five minutes!