Between the sleepless nights, spit-up, and countless diaper changes, new parents quickly realize that chasing after their little speedsters is no easy feat.
With only a few lifestyle changes, your baby's exciting milestones don't have to be accompanied by crazy days, puffy eyes, and fast food dinners. It's possible to maximize your energy as you chase after your running, dancing, and playing little mover. Here are some tips:
1. Get moving
Finding time to hit the gym isn't always easy with a baby at home, so find ways to incorporate aerobic activity into your day. Walk to the library or supermarket whenever possible, and be sure to get your toddler out of her stroller so she can walk some of the way, too. If walking to your destination isn't an option, park the car far from entrances and enjoy those extra steps of exercise.
2. Surround yourself with support
From sharing parenting advice to all those special firsts in your baby's life, connecting with other parents is a great way to surround yourself with needed support. Consider joining a mom's Meetup group. Or a local NJ moms' support group.
3. Laugh
From the spit-up to the spilled milk, don't be afraid to laugh off the silly situations. Laughter really is the best medicine—relieving stress and burning extra calories. Remember, parenting is never perfect, so the next time you find yourself in the middle of that messy diaper change don't let yourself stress—laugh it out instead.
4. Accept a helping hand
For a first-time mother, it's hard to realize you really can't do it all. Keeping up with your little speedster all day can be exhausting. When feeling overwhelmed and ready to pull out your hair, it is ok to admit that you really could use that extra helping hand. Accept your family or friend's offer to come over and keep your little one entertained for a couple of hours. Don't second guess this decision; be grateful and accept the favor because you deserve it (and others relish the time with your bundle of joy).
5. Don't forget to sleep
Between the late night feedings and round the clock diaper duty, it may seem impossible to get more than a couple hours of shut-eye. To keep from feeling like you are going to fall asleep while at the stroller wheel, try to fit in a midday nap while your baby snoozes. For the working mom, head to bed as soon as possible once the little ones are tucked snuggly in their beds. Teaming up with your partner and switching off middle-of-the-night feedings and diaper changes can also save you from exhaustion.
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Photo courtesy of Getty Images; article courtesy of Huggies.